Engineering Innovation is in our DNA

Invented the Immersed Method of Moments™ an automated meshfree FE Technology

What is the Immersed Method of Moments™?

All materials consist of discrete cellular structures called “elements.” While traditional FEM discretizes geometry, the Immersed Method of Moments (IMM) discretizes space into intelligent cells, adapting elements to the geometry and material.

Instead of approximating geometry, IMM refines quadrature rules, decoupling test specimens from analysis and boundary conditions—enabling broad product variations and lifecycle evaluations from a single setup.

How Does IMM build on FEA?

For over 50 years, the finite element method (FEM) has led structural analysis, but it struggles with complex geometry since it relies on high-quality, body-fitted meshes that are often difficult or impossible to create.

Intact's proprietary software technology works seamlessly with both explicit (meshes, curves) and implicit (signed distance fields, voxels) geometry. It enables quick conceptual simulations with coarse linear methods and high-fidelity analysis with quadratic elements on a fine grid. It accurately models periodic geometries like lattices at any resolution, from detailed to homogenized behavior.

With geometry-based boundary conditions, Intact.Simulation allows easy swapping of models within the same test setup, ensuring performance validation throughout a product’s lifecycle.

About Intact.Simulation™

Intact.Simulation is the most flexible mechanical simulation solution in the history of mechanical design.

Unlike traditional FEA, which requires manual setup and meshing, Intact’s technology automates processing for any geometry at any resolution, creating reliable finite element models.

It delivers simulation and interoperability at scale—integrating hybrid 3D models, heterogeneous material models, and manufacturing process data into a single streamlined model.

With geometry-based boundary conditions, Intact.Simulation allows easy swapping of models within the same test setup, ensuring performance validation throughout a product’s lifecycle. By providing continuous analytical feedback from concept to production, it enhances product quality and efficiency.

Intact.Simulation was developed with support from the National Science Foundation (NSF), the National Institutes for Standards and Technology (NIST), and the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA).



Hybrid Models


CT Scans

STL/Surface Meshes

Driving Advanced R&D

Intact Solutions is at the forefront of Research & Innovation through collaborations with the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), National Institute of Standards Technology (NIST), National Science Foundation (NSF), and Office of Naval Research (ONR).

Developing Advanced Plug & Play Simulation Technologies for Digital Twins and Generative AI Applications


Intact.Generative is a powerful plug and play toolkit for rapid construction and deployment of embedded and fully automated generative solutions for design space exploration. For the first time, you can create your own generative design solutions that work seamlessly with your organization’s digital workflows. Start with any CAD geometric representation, select physics, performance criteria, and target output representation. Choose or combine parametric, shape, material, or topology optimization.


Intact.Additive offers high fidelity QA solutions that tightly integrate physical testing with simulation from ground up to leverage both the scalability of simulation and accuracy of physical testing.