Latest Features in Oct 2023 Update for Intact.Simulation for Rhino Grasshopper

We’re pleased to announce that a new version (V2023.10.26_1.0.0) of the Intact.Simulation for Rhino Grasshopper is now available to download. This update includes bug fixes and feature enhancements based on your input and our continuous development efforts, aiming to improve your user experience.

The notable updates are:

Composites and Wood Material Support

We have added support for anisotropic (orthotropic) materials which are used to model materials whose properties are direction-dependent. Orthotropic material can be used to model materials such as composites (carbon fiber, glass fiber, etc.) and wood. We also have a huge database of composite and wood materials ready to use.

Learn more about support for orthotropic materials.

Hydrostatic and Sliding Boundary Conditions

We have also added a new Sliding Boundary Condition that constrains motion normal to a surface to allow sliding along the surface. Use it to apply rotational sliding on a cylindrical face. For marine, pressure vessel, and other applications, now we support  Hydrostatic Loads to model varying pressure with the depth of fluid.

Enjoy the new updates! Thank you again for your feedback. For any questions, please reach out to us at

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