Meshing is a BOTTLENECK when analyzing complex designs
Directly simulate Implicit models
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Intact.Simulation is integrated into nTop using custom blocks that allows the user to set-up, run, and post-process the results without leaving the nTop environment!
Intact.Simulation is required to be licensed through Intact Solutions and installed for the integration. Intact Solutions will provide nTop custom blocks and examples for the integrated workflow.
For over half a century, the finite element method has dominated structural engineering analysis. nTop’s traditional FE solvers are best-in-class, providing referenceable results that are highly compatible with upstream and downstream FE tools. However, traditionally FE methods don’t scale well as the complexity of geometry increases, because traditional FEA requires high-quality, body-fitted meshes which may be challenging or impossible to generate on complex geometry.
Intact.Simulation works off of nTop’s both native implicit geometry and explicit geometry such as meshes. Intact.Simulation enables both fast conceptual simulation using coarse linear methods as well as high-fidelity analysis using quadratic elements on a fine grid. In particular, Intact.Simulation can approximate performance of periodic geometry, such as lattices, at any resolution, from fine fully resolved details to coarse resolutions with effectively homogenized behavior.
Intact.Simulation’s boundary conditions are specified geometrically instead of topologically, which makes it easy to swap out different geometry models in the same test harness, validating performance throughout a product or design’s lifecycle.
nTop is the leading platform for designing and developing high-performance product designs quickly and efficiently. By using data to automate design exploration and optimization, nTop empowers customers to get dramatically better products to market quickly. nTop seamlessly fits into established workflows and integrates with existing design, analysis, and simulation tools, making it easy to share design knowledge, accelerate iteration, and drive innovation faster than ever before. For more information, visit