DARPA Awards Intact Solutions SBIR Phase II

April 25, 2019
DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) has awarded Intact Solutions a Phase II SBIR research contract for a proposal entitled Query-Based Plug and Play Analysis and Simulation.

The goal of this SBIR project is to develop a plug and play query-based simulation engine that provides a general and scalable solution to CAD-CAE and CAE-CAE interoperability problems. The approach is based on the observation that the shape and material information in any CAD model may be abstracted by a collection of queries — formally defined and computable functions — that eliminate the need for pre-processing, conversion and transfer of CAD models. Furthermore, most CAE interoperability challenges reduce to the need to allocate and sample basis functions and their derivatives over geometric domains and their boundaries – entities that are already represented unambiguously in every CAD system.

Phase I of the project demonstrated that legacy CAE codes may be augmented with standardized queries, allowing automated analysis on non-conforming meshes (of space), eliminating the need for semi-manual pre-processing or meshing, and achieving automated plug-and-play CAD-CAE interoperability.

Phase II of the project will include development of comprehensive approaches to fully interoperable CAD-CAE and CAE-CAE, design of an industrial grade plug and play engine, and deployment of the engine as a linkable software library, a standalone executable, and as a web product.

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