Customer Need
Rhinoceros is a popular CAD software used by architects, and the gamut of design disciplines ranging from industrial to marine engineering, and more. Users of the software often have a need for stress simulation, but do not have extensive simulation experience or access to affordable simulation solutions.
- Geometry: breps, meshes, procedural
- Material: isotropic, spatially varying orthotropic
- Physics: linear static stress
- Deployment: Rhinoceros plug-in using Intact.Simulation™ API on Windows
Benefits of Intact Solutions’ Intact.Simulation™ technology for Scan&Solve for Rhino
Challenges Addressed
- Provide a simulation tool accessible to a wide variety of users
- Removed expertise required to pre-process and conformally mesh geometry
- Simulation with mixed materials including wood and composites
- Ability to handle bonded assemblies
Additional Benefits
- Integrated solution allows seamless operation within Rhino