Intact.Simulation for Automation

Meshing is a bottleneck and it often breaks automation and continuity

Run Intact in headless mode and automate simulation at scale 

Seamless API Integrations

Seamlessly embed with any modeling, design, planning, validation, and optimization workflows.

Use PyIntact or Intact's Command Line Interface (CLI) for easy configuration and setup.

Batch Processing of Simulation

Automate simulation without meshing or model simplification.

Set up and run batch processing of your models with ease.

Train your AI Models

Intact for Automation generates high-quality simulation data for training accurate AI models.

Continuously updated Physics-based Digital Twin

Enable automated simulation to gain critical insights for rapidly evolving models and data.

Any Geometry with Continuous Analytical Feedback

Supports a wide range of mesh, lattice & volumetric formats.

Simplify and automate FEA workflows with ultra fast linear solving for concept design and precise quadratic solving for validation.

Linear Stress, Modal & Thermal Physics supported.

Run on Windows or Linux

Intact.Simulation runs on both Windows & Linux environments to enable computational engineering throughout the product lifecycle.


Automated Topology Optimization with No Preprocessing, No Model Simplification, No Filtering Required
Available with PyIntact and Intact CLI

Automated Topology Optimization

Generate high-performance concepts quickly with automated topology optimization.

Optimize Component in an Assembly & Support Multiple Load Cases

Bonded assembly component optimization with automatic boundary preservation.
Optimize for multiple load cases.

User Driven Custom Optimization

Flexibility to interject design changes, incorporate starting designs, and fine-tune settings at any stage.

Material based Optimization

Topology optimization with Isotropic & Orthotropic Materials.