NSF Awards Intact Solutions Phase II SBIR

March 15, 2016
The National Science Foundation awards Intact Solutions a Phase II SBIR grant for the proposal Cloud-based Simulation Service for Makers.

Geometric design systems and CAD tools are now widely available as standalone systems or cloud-based services, but simulation technologies remain inaccessible due to high cost, tedious data preparation, and demand for expertise in structural simulation. This project aims to make structural simulation widely available to both novice and expert users as a low cost fully automated service that requires no pre-processing or data conversion. The cloud-based simulation service is a disruptive technology that will make structural simulation widely available to communities of makers, as well as manufacturing enterprises, leading to dramatic improvements in performance, manufacturability, sustainability and cost savings. Wide adoption of simulation tools is also an important ingredient of STEM education and workforce development. This project focuses on the goal of making a cloud-based structural simulation service easily accessible and widely used.

The product of this research project is the online simulation service Intact.Design,

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